Warren Buffet - Investing
Warren Buffet
‘When it comes to investing, there are no guarantees. Buffett has emphasized time and again that putting your money into index funds is a reliable way to take advantage of market gains while hedging against risk. Specifically, Buffett recommends them as a way to boost retirement savings. Index funds make sense for two reasons: They’re inexpensive and aren’t tied to the success of one single entity’.
RGS is a residential growth security that is aggregated into a national diversified portfolio fixed to a residential growth index. It is an index fund for residential property that captures the unitised growth of the Australian residential property market. An investment class that offers both wholesale (institutions) and retail investors (Trustees of the $750b SMSF Industry) downside risk protected minimum growth yields, open to proportional upside growth subject a cap compounding out year on year at between 3.5% and 10% per annum.